Tuesday 5 November 2013

Unicorn! Is Unicorn real or is it just a myth?

Have you ever heard of the word "Unicorn"?
Do you ever believe their existence?
What if Unicorn is just a myth!
What if they are real!
What make them so special that people remember the word "Unicorn" for centuries?

Is Unicorn real or is it just a myth?

Unicorn is seemed as a mystical and mysterious creature who commanded power and respect. Unicorn is often depicted as a large white horse with a sprawling horn in the middle of its forehead. Unicorn’s horn is believed to be 110cm long with a diameter of 502cm.

Unicorns’ horns are usually white, golden or silver. However the colour varies from country to country, culture to culture and even imagination to imagination. 

Unicorn is symbol of purity and grace and could only be capture by virgin. 

Unicorn is also a symbol of medicine and healing because of its horn, tears and blood which possesses magical powers that are beneficial to humans such as prolong life, cure diseases and fight poisons. Therefore, Unicorn’s horn was very valuable in medieval time because of these believes that the Unicorn possesses. 

Many Unicorns’ horns were created by humans that are now circulating around the world. So scientists came up with some tests to tell whether the Unicorn's horn was real or not?
  • The true horn will give out sweat odour when burnt

  • The true horn will give off little bubbles when thrown into cold water. Furthermore, the water will seem to be boiling due to the sound of the little bubbles.

  • The true horn will sweat in the presence of poison.

  • Poisonous plants and animals such as Lily-of-the-valley and scorpions respectively will burst and die when they are brought near to a true horn.

  • The most interesting test is that when you draw a circle with the true horn around a spider, it will not step out of the circle and will die due to starvation.

This may be the only mystical creature that is not based on human fears and never does a unicorn post a threat to humans or any other creatures.

 Collectively, there are many stories or facts about Unicorn that may come from people imaginations or have seen it with their very own eyes.

Despite all these information, it is still down to us to make a
choice to believe is there Unicorn out there, in the world. 

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